5 Time Wasters That Need A Puncture

4 min readSep 23, 2020


It is thought that time is perhaps the most precious commodity we have here on earth.

Time determines a whole lot in terms of measurement and value add. It is a powerful phenomenon. So powerful that it cannot be reversed, neither can it be added to. And because it helps us organize our daily activities, we are bound to it.

In this era of remote working, social distancing and self-quarantine, there is the misperception that we have more time at our disposal. That is not necessarily the case. We still have the same 24hrs that make a day. It has not increased, nor has it shrunk. A friend of mine made the observation yesterday that 2020 is speeding to an end.

We’ll get to December and begin to narrate what we could not accomplish because of Covid-19. With all that went down, the truth is that the world still worked, albeit in cyberspace, for the most part. I am aware of those who took up training and other professions. Some people wrote books, while others developed new applications.

I am also aware of those who never stopped working. So, the entire blame cannot be put at the doorstep of the coronavirus. There is another virus that prevents us from accomplishing what we should — It is time wasters.

We all have a list of time wasters. What is wasting your time daily? For starters, here are some.

Social Media, Internet Browsing, And Tv Programs. While these three have useful content, a good chunk of materials adds little or no value to one’s life. These three take a big piece out of our 24hrs. Between the Internet, Facebook, FaceTime, Instagram, WhatsApp and others, we spend an excessive amount of time browsing irrelevant posts.

Fear Of The Unknown. If we knew the result of a plan, we would be encouraged to accomplish tasks or purse dreams to a logical end. Fear of the unknown is a riveting emotion that keeps us from taking the first step at the right time. People do not want to be judged, nor do they want to make mistakes, so they come up with excuses. These two emotions feed the fear that prevents people from acting. A solution is to identify the cause of anxiety when it arises and confront it by regularly practicing affirmation using God’s Word and other positive thoughts.

Keeping The Wrong Company Of People. Keeping the wrong company of people leads to wasted efforts. If you hang around people who do not share similar values or outlook to life, it is highly probable that you’ll accomplish very little.

Procrastination. This negative behavior is a difficult one and has made many people miss opportunities that would have improved their lives. To procrastinate is to push to a later date a task or a decision that is required to be taken/done today — or this hour. There is a sense of “I have a lot of time” in the future to accommodate the backlog that makes people go to sleep. This line of thinking is a dangerous way to continue in life. It leads to unfulfillment and sometimes frustration.

Making Unrealistic Plans. Sometimes we are forced to make plans that are not achievable. At other times we make plans or make decisions that are not well thought through. We end up embarking on journeys, spending time and resources only to find out it leads nowhere.

There are several more time wasters and they are unique to each individual. The key is to look unapologetically look inward and list them out in order of the most disruptive. They are the common enemies and can be addressed first by being honest with yourself and taking steps to reverse the state of mind that allows them to thrive in your everyday life.

One additional step is to set up a task and reward system. Draw up a to-do-list and allot time to each task. Reward yourself after each or all accomplishments as the case may be. Also, measure the time you spend indulging yourself in the reward and do not make it excessive. Remember that “idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.” Applying the above suggestions regularly will help build discipline over time.

Above all, draw closer to God. Spend more time in His presence. Read the scriptures or devotionals. This habit will reduce the amount of time available for irrelevances. The Holy Spirit will also see your heart and help you overcome it.

Life is short and we are called to use time wisely. We are told not to be slothful; rather, we are expected to use time productively. I’ll leave you with the following scriptures:

“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered–how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4–5

“Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are”. Ephesians 5:11

It’s not too late to make up for the lost time. Make a deliberate effort to puncture the time-wasters in your life.





Written by ChurchPad

ChurchPad is a Complete Church Management Software. ChurchPad empowers your church culture to create an ultimate experience while leveraging technology.

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