If you have been hearing about online giving but don’t know what exactly it means, then this article is for you. Online giving is a product of technological advancement and digitalization, both of which have greatly influenced the traditional giving methods the church and individuals are familiar with.
Thankfully, digitalization has removed many logistical limitations people face when it comes to giving to the church. Be it tithe, offerings, or any other type of donations. Research shows that more people are beginning to see church online giving as the new normal. Take a moment to consider how many people under the age of 50 who own smartphones, and only carry their debit or credit cards around. Most of these people in many parts of the world operate on cashless policies; as a result when passing the offering plate or basket, they do not have anything to give.
It implies that the traditional method of church giving is fast becoming outdated, especially during a season like this, and displaced by online giving methods, with speed and convenience. Church donations and giving that used to be restricted to Sunday mornings or other worship service days can now be made at any time, from any location.
As a church leader in this day and age, how do you respond to online giving? What online giving methods or channels will best suit your church? How do you take advantage of technology for your church? These are some of the crucial questions to answer before the church leader can delve into online giving. Just before that, it is vital to get you further acquainted with the term ‘Online Giving’.
What is Online Giving?
Online giving is digital and technological innovation in the form of a direct payment program that allows you to make donations or contributions from any location. These contributions are automatically debited from checking, savings, or credit card account as the case may be and deposited directly into the church bank account.
With this in place, even when a member cannot be in church for specific reasons, they can be a part of church programs by making donations online. They can also pay up their steward commitments without having to wait until the next time they are in church. As a member, you also do not have to worry about bringing cash to church.
There are various types of online giving solutions, some of which include:
Website Giving Forms
A website giving form is a means that allows you to accept donations directly from your site. In that, members can visit your website, fill out the necessary information, and make payment. Some churches link their website to their PayPal account. This way, online visitors can easily make donations anytime.
With a platform like this for online giving, you need to ensure that your online visitors feel comfortable enough to make donations or redeem steward pledges online. Some way to do this include:
- Provide them with the necessary information they need
- Ensure that the donation process is instant
- Send an automated receipt to their email immediately after the transaction.
Text-to-give is using texting to donate to non-profit or political organizations, including churches. It allows donors to give any time, anywhere in only a few seconds. Members of the church will text the ministry’s keyword and donation amount to the church phone number, assigned for the sake of the donations.
Mobile Giving Apps
When it comes to online giving, mobile apps are generally more flexible, especially in terms of branding. Some churches build their mobile apps, which encourages giving, while others utilize trusted apps such as ChurchPad to make online giving easier for their congregants. They could simply download the app and make a payment anytime.
The ChurchPad App offers a good number of amazing features. To start with, setting up an account on the app is quite easy. As soon as you set up your account, you can select a ministry of your choice. There is also a feature for live streaming services right from your mobile device and, of course, for online giving.
Reasons Why Your Church Needs an Online Giving Platform
24/7 Availability
With online giving platforms such as the ChurchPad App, you can collect donations at any time of the day. The ministry is no longer limited to weekly contributions made during or after the sermons. The ChurchPad App has an option for recurring payments, once the people register their account details on the app.
The cashless policy has changed the giving system
The cashless policy in many parts of the world has affected the giving system generally. It implies that to keep ministries running and funds coming in, you must introduce the concept of online giving. The reason for adding a cashless policy to your methods of giving is that it eases one’s life and also helps authenticate and formalize the transactions done. It helps to curb corruption and the flow of black money, which increases economic growth.
Online giving expands your reach
With the introduction of online giving platforms such as the ChurchPad App, your reach isn’t limited to just your local community or members of your congregations.
To enhance your online giving, the digital church has to come into play. Once you can take your church online, you have the advantage of reaching a more extensive range of people.
It is no longer news that funding is required for the church needs to carry out its operations, and so, giving is essential. Some of these funds are gotten from members of the church through tithes, offerings, and other steward commitments, and with online giving, it eases the difficulty of donating to the church in this digital age.
Has your church activated online giving? Check out www.churchpad.com to see how you can do so in easy steps.